Milly's Rt Ch title

Monday, April 16, 2018

At a retrieving trial in the Blue Mountains on Sunday, with the picturesque landscape but extremely windy conditions, Milly came first in an All Age trial in a field of 14 top All Age dogs from NSW, Victoria and South Australia. So, she is now a Retrieving Trial Champion, Rt Ch Wrangham Jane Eyre.  

A couple of other achievements on the weekend were that:

* Milly's 9-month old Pup, Ruby, swam happily in to the river to retrieve Dokken and Avery plastic duck dummies for the first time; and

* Milly's other girl, Diamond who has not been keen on retrieving plastic ducks retrieved pigeons for the first time.

All of us had a fun time. We posted some pics on our facebook page.