Pre-owned Rare or Vintage Collectable Knives

This is a range of high quality collectable knives from original brands such as Puma, Linder, Herbertz Germany, Buck, Camillus, Case, Schrade USA etc. These have been purchased from estate sales and collectors world wide and most are unused just old with signs of age and possible blemishes etc. These are very rare and collectable and in some cases are one-off knives.

Please note that Sporting Outback Supplies have a strict policy only to sell knives to persons over the age of 18 years, and that by ordering and purchasing knives from Sporting Outback Supplies you warrant that you are over the age of 18 years and agree that you understand the rules and regulations in relation to knives in your own state or territory.

Items: 160 of 904, per page
Items: 160 of 904, per page